I’ve made a lot of great friends through this process and it’s been so surreal at times. This was an amazing era in my life and I’ll always look back on it fondly.

So just know that I appreciate all the love and support I’ve gotten over the years. I’ll go into more detail under the cut, but totally I understand if that doesn’t interest you.

I’ve become extremely burnt out, and I’ve even reached the point where I’m fed up enough to probably stop playing TS4. I don’t want to say _never _because who knows, maybe I’ll change my mind, but for over a year now I have had no desire to work on CC or even mess with anything related to it. Long story short, I’m probably never going to post here again.

So this post is WAAAAAAY overdue but I felt like it was time to say something here… I’ve mentioned it on my main blog but I know not everyone who follows this is following that one.