I dissected a project file where the kicks were on the note G while the bass was hitting E, and then dropping down to D. Would it make sense to also put the kicks into the same key? They are currently in the Key of B and it sounds fine. How can I know which other notes are acceptable to use for the 808s besides using octave changes? Would it just be every note in the A major scale? A B C# D E F# G# What other notes (or scales) if any could I use here.? (or anywhere for that matter) I have used octave changes to go one octave up and one octave below for alternating bass frequencies.

So I'm making a trap beat, I would like to make the song in the key of A. I will use the current track I am working on as an example. am I correct? When would it make sense musically to deviate from this structure? when working on a melody, a bass, a chord, the kick and so on I do not know which notes I am "allowed to use" My understanding of what it means to "stay in key" is simply staying within the scale. Or I am not searching for the right thing. The problem is: I don't think this is something that you can google. I would like to become acquainted with them.

I want to stay within the "rules" so to speak. I do have trouble with knowing what is acceptable in music theory as far as staying in key. I have no trouble understanding the scales. Hi I'm relatively new to music, just learned my major and minor scales yesterday.